Age Concern Maggie Paterson 01304 207268
Allotments Manager Dominic Castle 07836 388458
Art Workshop Antoinette Tourret 01304 826292
Baptist Church John Woodland (01304 822982) or Jack Norvall (01304 825150)
Branching Out Marilyn Holness 01304 448140 or Marion 01304 820258)
Church of St.Peter & St.Paul Revd. Ian Parrish 01304 279673 [email protected]
Church Wardens - Liz Waller 01304 824709 & Dr Judith Shilling 01304 827692
Community Coffee Mornings Alison Worton 01304 824152
Friends of TE School [email protected]
Kearsney Bowls Club Roger Cook 07986 576750
Kent Wildlife Trust (Conservation) Bob Newington 01304 827138
Produce Association Trevor Barlow 01304 824787
Kearsney Bowls Club Roger Cook 07986 576750
Temple Ewell Newsletter Jeanette Potts 01304 826386 [email protected]
Temple Ewell Players Mike Brodie 07766 228728
Tiddlers Toddler Group Debbie Browne 07932 925151 [email protected]
Village Hall Bookings/Enquiries Mike Brodie 07359 623830 [email protected]
WI Jan Luckhurst 01304 331051
Updated 16/1/2024