Police, Fire, or Ambulance services - Emergencies only - 999
Report a problem with a road or pavement. Contact Kent County Council to report missing/broken road signs, faults with streetlights, or traffic signals and potholes Click the link to access the online reporting form (a photo of what is wrong is very useful).
If reporting something which may cause an accident or injury unless attended to immediately, please telephone 03000 418181.
Reporting Litter or Dog Fouling. Contact Dover District Council to report an offender or request a patrol.
Reporting Anti-Social Behaviour. Contact the Community Safety Team at Dover District Council.
Telephone 01304 872220 or email [email protected]
Police - reporting a crime where offenders have left - Contact via non-emergency Tel No. 101 or email [email protected]. Neighbourhood Policing - PC Chris Bates 07989 239472 or email [email protected]
Buckland Hospital - 01304 222510
Citizens Advice Bureau - 03448 487978
Childline - 0800 1111
Dover Health Centre - 01304 865500
Gas Leak or Electrical Emergency. Gas - call 0800 111 999 Electricity - call 0800 783 8866
Hospitals - Buckland, Dover 01304 222510 Canterbury 01227 766877
QEQM Margate 01843 225544 William Harvey, Ashford 01233 633331
Kent County Council http://kent.gov.uk
Kent Wildlife Trust http://www.kentwildlifetrust.org.uk
Lydden Surgery http://lyddensurgery.co.uk. Telephone 01304 832160
NHS Non-Life Threatening Medical Service - Telephone 111
Post Office Customer Services 0845 7740 740
Stagecoach Buses - Dover - 08456 002299
Social Services - 03000 414141
Temple Ewell Primary School http://www.temple-ewell.kent.sch.uk Telephone 01304 822665 or email [email protected]
The Samaritans. 116 123
Tourist Information 01304 205108
Water Supply Emergency 0345 357 2406 Waste Water Emergency 0330 303 0368